Read the final report for the Capitol Corridor Rail & Transit study

Rail Final Report

MANCHESTER, NH – The final report for the NH DOT Capitol corridor Rail Study is in and uploaded here for your consumption. You can also link to it directly here.

We’ve also uploaded a few key screenshots below with some of the date, but if this is a topic you’re interested in – and we know you are, because it’s one of the most clicked searches on our site – you’ll want to take some time and read through all the data for yourself.

A Feb. 3 meeting in Nashua was scheduled to discuss the outcome of the study. Link here for more on that in the Nashua Telegraph.

About the NH Capitol Corridor Study

The project includes an “alternatives analysis” of potential rail and transit investments in the NH Capitol corridor, which connects the major population centers of New Hampshire to metropolitan Boston, and the development of a service development plan and related documents for intercity passenger rail between Boston, MA and Concord, NH.

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Summary of the five recommended strategies – No Build, Manchester Regional Community line, Nashua Minimum rail line, Intercity 8 and Bus on Shoulder.
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Preliminary Capital and O&M Costs for 12 preliminary alternatives.
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Preliminary costs and ridership data.

Capitol Corridor Final Report Jan13