Recapping week one of 2024 in the NH House of Representatives

    Here is a recap of the votes taken on Jan. 3 and Jan. 4, 2024 the first session days of the year for the New Hampshire House of Representatives, with their corresponding committee reports.

    A video of the Jan. 3 session can be found here. 

    A video of the Jan. 4 session can be found here.

    A list of each bill with links to their dockets can be found here.


    • OTP – Ought to Pass
    • OTPA – Ought to Pass as Amended
    • Table – Laying the bill on the table (taking no action)
    • Reconsider – A motion to reverse a vote previously taken, can only be made by an representative voting in the majority on the previous vote (often used as a tactic, with representatives urging their colleagues to vote no to prevent any future re-votes)
    • ITL – Inexpedient to Legislate
    • Recommit – Sending the bill back to committee and restarting the bill process
    • Refer for Interim Study – Sends the bill to a subcommittee for future study
    • Voice vote – A vote taken without any tabulation
    • Division – Representatives use their electronic voting devices to vote on the bill, but their names are not collected. Any representative can request this, and the Speaker can request this if a voice vote is unclear.
    • Roll Call – A division where names are collected. At least ten representatives must request a roll call for it to occur.


     Jan. 3

    HB 185

    – (Amendment 2378h) Adopted by voice vote

    – (OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 202-172

    HB 475

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 535

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 225-FN

    -(Refer for Interim Study) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 227

    -(Refer for Interim Study) Not adopted by division, 182-193

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 645

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 340-33

    HB 133

    -(Table) Not adopted by division, 159-212

    -(OTP) Not adopted by division, 178-195

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 470

    -(OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 212-161


    SB 249

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 361-7

    HB 147

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 267

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 354

    -(OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 190-177


    HB 437

    -(Table, Interim Study) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 439

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 505

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 553

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 577

    -(Table) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 628

    -(OTP) Not adopted by roll call, 174-199

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call 195-178

    SB 151

    -(OTP) Not adopted by roll call, 183-186

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    -(Reconsider) Not adopted by roll call, 183-187

    SB 218

    -(Table) adopted by voice vote

    HB 115

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 281-82

    HB 116

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 345

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 207-170

    HB 350

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 248-128

    HB 463

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 195-172

    HB 1611 (report unavailable)

    -(Refer to House Committee on Health and Human Services) adopted by voice vote

    HB 369

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 602

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 226-145

    HB 559

    -(Indefinite Postponement) Adopted by roll call, 201-174

    HB 644

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 196-178

    HB 436

    -(Table) Not adopted by division, 176-198

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 546

    -(ITL) Not adopted by roll call, 186-189

    -(Table) Adopted by roll call, 190-187

    HB 601

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 189-188

    HB 620

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 188-185

    SB 239

    -(Interim study) Adopted by division, 186-185

    January 4

    SB 263

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 191-183

    -(Reconsider) Adopted by division, 183-193

    SB 267

    -(ITL) Adopted by division, 189-188

    SB 264

    -(Table) Not adopted by division, 185-191

    -(ITL) Adopted by division, 191-185

    HB 368

    -(OTP) Not adopted by roll call, 186-188

    -(ITL) Adopted by division, 190-185

    HB 619

    -(OTPA) Adopted by division, 199-175

    HB 283

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 314

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 396

    -(OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 192-184

    HB 652

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    SB 255

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 232

    -(Table) Adopted by roll call, 190-182

    HB 301

    -(Table) Adopted by division, 359-13

    HB 313

    -(ITL) Adopted by division 188-184

    HB 194

    -(OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 194-179


    HB 434

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 166

    -(ITL) Adopted by division, 319-53

    HB 381

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 458

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 609

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 631

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 192-180

    HB 229

    -(OTPA) Adopted by roll call, 187-182

    HB 375

    -(Table) Adopted by division, 185-179

    HB 570

    -(Table) Adopted by division, 187-180

    HB 121

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 192-176

    HB 450

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 494

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    SB 112

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    SB 190

    -(ITL) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 499

    -(Table) Adopted by division, 200-164

    HB 144

    -(Table) Not adopted by division, 164-200

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 297-63

    HB 512

    -(Table) Not adopted by division, 143-218

    -(ITL) Adopted by roll call, 286-69

    HB 518

    -(OTPA) Adopted by voice vote

    HB 526

    -(Recommit) Adopted by division, 203-145.