MANCHESTEThe open house is an opportunity for Mainstay, a leading provider of high-touch, enterprise-level IT and information security services, to invite those who have been connected to the company and the general business community to experience their culture in a more intimate way.R, NH – Mainstay Technologies is opening its doors to its new downtown Manchester location for an open house, reception and chance to see the efforts the company has made to create a truly employee-centric office.
The open house will be held on Thursday, September 19 from 5-7:30 p.m. at 25 Sundial Ave., Suite 504W, Manchester, NH 03103, which is in the renovated Sundial Center.
The open house is an opportunity for Mainstay, a leading provider of high-touch, enterprise-level IT and information security services, to invite those who have been connected to the company and the general business community to experience their culture in a more intimate way.
The social event will include a short introduction from CEO Ryan Barton and Michelle Veasey, the executive director from New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility. It will also include food and drinks and a raffle. Attendees are encouraged to register here for this free event.