New columnist: Ben Dion explores all things Manchester in The Weekly Dion

    Manchester is my home. It is where I was born, raised, and permanently reside. I am one of those people who cares deeply about his city and what is going on in it. This column is meant to be an extension of my radio show on WMNH 95.3 FM, The Weekly Dion, and to highlight different topics in Manchester. The only thing I am adding to this column that is different from the show is my opinion

    Every week I will cover stories about the most important elements of our city; the people, places, concerns, events, politics, positives, and information. I want this to be a column of the people and for the people, meaning if you want me to research and write about something, then I will. I will also be writing about topics covered in my radio show and other shows on WMNH.

    I have decided that it is necessary for me to be a little more vocal when it comes to issues and change going on in the city. It is necessary because I feel that it is time for a non-biased, open-minded, peaceful, and constructive conversation about things going on in Manchester and how we as a community can move this city forward.

    Like my radio show, this is meant to be both positive and informative. I will focus on the facts and address issues from a non-partisan, realistic standpoint. Sometimes, the negative voices in our city overshadow the facts and the progress that is being made. It is my hope to be a voice that this city needs in a time of conflict and confusion. Transparency is the key to understanding how to make positive change and I believe that Manchester is on the edge of that very moment.  

    It’s important to me that the people of the city are informed citizens so they know exactly what is going on and how it all works. The more people know, the easier it is to have a constructive conservation about what is going on. I have come across many people who think they know the real facts of a story but, in reality, just have an altered view of those facts. I want this column to be a clarification of the facts and a starting line for discussion.

    I believe that if we are able to have an open-minded conversation in  this city, we will be able to accomplish anything and everything. Moving this city forward is the most important thing to me and I think that many others feel this same way. I am not saying that this column will resolve every conflict and is the simple answer to all of our problems.  I think it can be a jumping off place.

    I hope that I have your interest and that you will read my column in the coming weeks. If you want me to write about an issue, event, person, place, etc. that you think is important to Manchester, please email me at

    Thanks for reading and until week, live and be happy!


    Ben Dion hosts The Weekly Dion live Thursdays at 6 p.m. on 95.3 FM WMNH, Manchester’s only downtown radio station. Follow him on Twitter @BenDionNH and @TheWeeklyDion. Contact Ben at