Voters Guide 2019: Ward 3 Candidates

Ward 3


Daniel Heck, age 35, is Managing Director at GKM.

What qualifies you to hold this office? 
I built a multi-state managed services business where I serve as the managing director. I also serve on various boards and committees in NH and MA. I have a desire to help people and I think my experiences would translate to serving the people of Ward 3.
[Due to a technical error the remainder of Gerry Gibson’s responses were not tabulated. Please check back soon for the rest of the questionnaire responses. – Editor]

Pat Long, 64, is a NH state rep. He completed trade school and was an ironworker.  He says he is qualified by “a strong work ethic and experience.” He most recently served as an interim member of the Manchester Board of School Committee.

List specific ways you will engage with your ward constituents, including one initiative to improve the quality of life for residents of your ward. 

When I get a call of a neighborhood issue I ask the caller to get neighbors together for a neighborhood meeting. I invite city staff to address the issue.

Identify the biggest economic opportunities/challenges for the city and provide at least one initiative you would propose to improve economic development.

Advancing the School District would improve on economic opportunities and is our biggest challenge.
A large company is planning to move to Manchester, what would be your top three selling points?
Ease of permitting process, one on one with the Planning Department & highly trained workforce.
What is the single-most important step we as a city can take to move the needle on homelessness?
Outreach workers! The more we know about the homeless the better off we are on finding solutions that would drive them in being productive.
Concord NH this year established an Energy and Environment Committee which has drafted a strategic plan to have Concord get all of its energy from renewable sources by 2050. Is this something you feel Manchester should consider? Why or why not?
Too wide open for me! I would need more details.

Board of School Committee

Mary Ngwanda Georges (incumbent), 62, earned a master’s degree and is founder and executive director of Victory Women of Vision. She is an incumbent. 

Click here to see her website. 

What will you do to get an agreement on a teachers’ contract?

When teachers are employed, their salary is in agreement with what has been decided depending on their qualifications.  Doing research to teach students how to live life and improve the surrounding problem is solved by technology.
  1. New negotiator for Manchester
  2. Fresh team to talk
  3. Citywide problem put the vote to the members
  4. Family breakdown
  5. Poverty
The state has sent $20.8M in one-time funding to the city. How would you propose spending that money?
Providing teachers with benefits and incentives will make teachers work harder and stay in their respective schools to share experiences with students and the community at large.
The community will grow and develop if they are healthy. Education is a prime factor to promote the city and the state.  Provided to students that will help maintain and promote for generations. Housing is also a critical issue to help the community feel they have human rights and safety. Improving employment opportunities to take people out of drugs and crime. Making the city beautiful, the roads, taking care of old houses. Technology. Beautifying environment and playground. Fitness equipment. Invest in beautification communities (schools, business and business schools).
A young family is considering a move to Manchester, what would be your top three selling points?
People move from one state to another to look for better opportunities also, NH is a tax-free state, we have good education in the city, good community and communication.
What is the most important step the Board of School Committee can take to immediately improve all schools.
Improve the quality of life and students, that is pay teachers and help students depending on their needs (basic needs, schooling facilities like a computer (a child deserves a computer).
How can MSD and the community work together to prepare today’s first-graders for 2032 economy?
Doing research on how to teach students how to live and improve the surrounding problem is solved by technology.  Lower class size.

Karen Soule, 71, earned a CAGS (certificate of advanced graduate studies) is a retired educator who was Superintendent of Schools of Somersworth and worked part-time at the NH Dept of Education as Administrator of the Bureau of credentialing and coordinator of educator effectiveness.

What will you do to get an agreement on a teachers’ contract?

I would suggest that the negotiating teams consider using some of the information from the fact-finder’s report that might assist them as they move forward. Both sides should work to find areas of agreement and common ground. I honestly think that given the positive change in the tenor of negotiations that a contract will be reached prior to January when the new board is sworn in. I believe that is can be done.
The state has sent $20.8M in one-time funding to the city. How would you propose spending that money?
I would first want to see that all students and teachers have the materials and support to fully implement the recently adopted reading and math programs which includes ongoing professional development for staff. As an example If each student needs a tablet then every student should have one so that the programs can be implemented with fidelity. It also assures equitable access to every student. If there are other programs or curriculum areas that are not fully funded those also should be considered.
I would also suggest that the funds be used for any one-time expenses that might have not been anticipated or otherwise.
Lastly I would review any infrastructure needs that would support the mission of the Manchester School District that have been may have been considered but not funded due to lack of resources. My first thought is in there anything in the technology infrastructure that could be updated or implemented that may Any uses of this windfall should not financially obligate the district in the future.

A young family is considering a move to Manchester, what would be your top three selling points?

My top three selling points would be:
  1. Educational opportunities — Manchester schools are moving forward providing equal educational opportunities with programs that will meet the diverse needs for all students, to prepare them for the future. In addition, if parents are interested in furthering their education there are multiple opportunities for parents to do this. From UNH, SNHU, Manchester Community College, Franklin Pierce, NH Institute of Art, Currier Museum to name just a few.
  2. Employment Opportunities — Manchester offers a wide variety of employment opportunities from the Service Industry, High Tech jobs, Advance Manufacturing, health care, and education to name a few. New industries and businesses are coming into Manchester on an on-going basis.
  3. Opportunities for Family Activities — The community of Manchester offers a variety of opportunities for children and their families from sports to cultural activities.

To name a few the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, PAL (Police Athletic League) Girls, Inc. Manchester Public Library Programs for families, and other recreational activities including several playgrounds and parks throughout the city.

For cultural opportunities the Currier Museum, the Palace Theatre, the SEE Center. Please understand that this is not an exhaustive list but for you to consider as you move to Manchester.

What is the most important step the Board of School Committee can take to immediately improve all schools?
The most important step that the Manchester School Board can take is to work together to support the education of our students and families by developing policies and procedures that will focus on this. All of our decisions should focus on what is in the best interests of our students and their families.
How can MSD and the community work together to prepare today’s first-graders for 2032 economy?
We need to continue in the direction the district is moving with the redesign of West High School, redistricting, comprehensive programming, continuing to build relationships with community partners and accessing grant and foundation resources will maximize the educational opportunities for our students and their families. This needs be on-going so that we as a district are constantly updating our programs, resources, keeping abreast of the latest trends, to assure that our students have the knowledge, skills and experiences to meet their highest aspirations.