Watch: Rich Girard answers Ink Link reader questions in Q&A


On Wednesday, Sept. 2, Manchester Ink Link Assistant Editor Andrew Sylvia met with 2021 Manchester Mayoral Candidate Rich Girard at the Manchester Public Television Studios for a Q&A (see above) following the “Ink Link Debate Style” initially established earlier this year with the Ward 6 Special Election Debate.

Manchester Ink Link has offered invitations to Mayoral Candidates Victoria Sullivan and Joyce Craig to also appear individually as well as an invitation to all three candidates to appear in a joint debate, invitations that will remain for any time the candidates are available up until Nov. 1, 2021.

On Wednesday, Sept. 8, Manchester Ink Link will host its second At-Large Aldermanic Candidate Debate, with invitations offered to Dan O’Neil, Dan Goonan, Mark Dennis (Winter Trabex) and Mary Georges.

Additional debates in other races in Manchester are pending, with details to be provided as soon as they become available.

To see the first At-Large Aldermanic Debate with June Trisciani, Elizabeth Moreau and Anthony Harris, click here.

To ask your own questions for future debates, click here.