CONCORD, NH – The Department of Safety is aware of multiple calls reporting active threats at schools throughout the state.
Multiple state agencies are assisting local law enforcement agencies that are responding to those calls and with the investigation into those calls. A news release was issued by the NH DOS at about noon on March 2 of the threat.
This is the second time New Hampshire has received similar threats to schools. The previous incident occurred in December. Those incidents were found to be untrue and hoaxes.
As in December, the school threats being made appear to be widespread, and not just in New Hampshire.
NH Department of Safety Public Information Officer Vanessa Palange acknowledged that while most New Hampshire schools are on a vacation week, some schools are in session and buildings are still open for office and custodial staff.
At this time, these reports are believed to be a hoax. However, all threats will be taken seriously until such time as their validity is determined. Everyone is encouraged to report any suspicious activity to their local law enforcement agency.