MANCHESTER, NH – No serious injuries were reported after a car crashed into Blake’s Creamery, 353 Main St., on the city West Side Sunday.
At 12:40 p.m. a car left the roadway, jumped the curb, traveled through a fenced-in area in front of Blakes and crashed through the main entryway to the restaurant.
Two male patrons were exiting the opposite exit door of the restaurant at the time of the crash, one of them sustained minor injuries. The driver of the vehicle was not injured and was being evaluated at the scene.
Damages to the restaurant were extensive, particularly the entryway itself. Additionally some equipment in the restaurant sustained damage. MFD crews Engine 2 and Rescue 1 removed the vehicle from the entryway with a vehicle-mounted winch, then proceeded to stabilize the structure utilizing equipment located on the Building Collapse unit housed at Somerville Street Station 7, AMR ALS-4 provided patient care on scene.