Manchester Proud announces new leadership

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    Manchester Proud (MP) is excited to announce the new leadership team of Debby Miller and Aimee Kereage as Co-Directors. Debby and Aimee will report to the Champion’s Council (Manchester Proud’s Board) continuing the momentum that Manchester Proud has built up over the past 6 years under Barry Brensinger’s leadership. Barry has made the decision to step down from his leadership role to enjoy retirement, he will remain a member of the Council and involved in MP’s work. 

    Manchester Proud announces winners of 3rd Annual Student Volunteer Award

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    Manchester Proud, an organization working to champion student success within the Manchester School District through community engagement and community partnerships, presented its 2024 Student Volunteer Awards at the Tuesday, May 26, Board of School Committee meeting. The 3rd Annual awards were presented to four high school students. The award, which includes a $500 prize, was created to recognize Manchester School District students who show exceptional commitment to volunteerism.

    Manchester Proud hires Boisvert as Community Communications Coordinator

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    Lauren Boisvert is a resident of Manchester and a graduate of the Manchester School District. She brings experience in both graphic design and education to Manchester Proud (MP). She began her work with the Manchester School District in 2014 through the Granite YMCA’s School’s Out Program (SOP) and continued on through several other capacities.