The Soapbox: You heard it here first

    read more…: The Soapbox: You heard it here first

    Not unlike millions of Americans throughout our country I have been, shall we say, obsessing over the wild ride known as the presidential election cycle. I have taken a particular interest in the polls for the first time, with the hope of being able to interpret the numbers so I could see who was winning, or going to win.

    NH Libertarian Party’s Tweet advocating murder of Vice President Harris attracts attention of state, federal law enforcement

    read more…: NH Libertarian Party’s Tweet advocating murder of Vice President Harris attracts attention of state, federal law enforcement

    A series of social media posts by the New Hampshire Libertarian Party endorsing the assassination of Vice President Kamala Harris and violence against politicians has gotten the attention of state and federal law enforcement, and is being condemned by politicians across the aisle.

    Vice President Kamala Harris in NH announcing new small business tax plan

    read more…: Vice President Kamala Harris in NH announcing new small business tax plan

    Citing the importance of small businesses in the economy and their job-generating capacity she announced a proposed plan of tax incentives for start-ups.  Currently, a new business can deduct  $5,000 in start-up expenses.  She called for a tenfold increase to a $50,000 deduction and a reduction in red tape to incentivize new business formation.

    Saint Anselm survey finds Harris beating Trump

    read more…: Saint Anselm survey finds Harris beating Trump

    A recent poll conducted by the Saint Anselm College Survey Center (SACSC) at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics (NHIOP) reveals that Vice President Kamala Harris has expanded her July lead and now holds a 7-point advantage over former President Donald Trump (51%-44%).  This reflects not only her own personal popularity advantage but also to the favorable perception of her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.