NH Classical Liberal Party affiliates with National Liberal Party

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    In December 2024, the New Hampshire Classic Liberal Party proudly affiliated with Liberal Party USA at the party’s Inaugural Convention in Houston.  Liberal Party USA shares our Liberal values, and our affiliation with them allows us to work together with other states to give voice and representation to the vast center-left, center-right, and classic liberalism that represent the majority of our nation’s people.

    Former President Bill Clinton campaigns in Nashua

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    Clinton has a long history with Granite State and New Hampshire’s democratic party establishment.  His 1992 NH Primary race earned him the “Comeback Kid” nickname and began decades-long friendships. US  Senator Jeanne Shaheen and her husband Billie are two friends in attendance.  The Senator kicked off the slate of speeches.

    “This may be the most important election of our lifetime. You know, we say that every election. But I think this year, it really is true. Because we have a choice between two very different ideas for the future of America in this election.” said Shaheen.

    Tang-Williams and Goodlander square off in the final 2nd Congressional District debate

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    New Hampshire’s candidates for the 2nd Congressional District seat being vacated by Congresswoman Annie Kuster participated in a candidate forum in Concord. Democrat Maggie Goodlander and Republican Lily Tang-Williams met in the studio of New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR) for the last time before the November 5th general election.

    The Soapbox: Double standards in pay raise politics and why Ayotte’s critique of Craig rings hollow

    read more…: The Soapbox: Double standards in pay raise politics and why Ayotte’s critique of Craig rings hollow

    The charter revision was never adopted, but the city’s Board of Mayor and Alderman did subsequently approve a long-overdue salary bump for the person who captured the mayoralty in 2023, a bit of nuance the Ayotte campaign fails to note in its TV spot, thereby intentionally creating the false impression that Craig was feathering her own nest despite never receiving a raise as mayor.