February opioid OD stats: Downward trend continues in Manchester and Nashua

    Chris Stawasz, AMR Regional Director of Government Affairs, Northeast. Courtesy Photo

    AMR medics responded to a total of 49 suspected opioid ODs in Nashua and Manchester during February 2024: 36 in Manchester and 13 in Nashua. The same number as January in each city.Four of those calls were suspected opioid OD deaths; 1 was in Manchester and 3 were in Nashua.February continued the recent trend of a significant decrease in the monthly number of suspected opioid overdoses in both Nashua and Manchester. This is the third consecutive month of total suspected opioid ODs being well below recent monthly averages. A very encouraging trend that I feel is reflective of the continued efforts of so many who are committed to solving this problem.Please keep in mind that due to the nature of the opioid epidemic and its clear history of unpredictability, it is always possible that this trend could quickly change.

    2024 February/Nashua

      • Suspected opioid ODs –  13
      • Suspected fatal opioid ODs – 3
      • 23% of the suspected opioid ODs in Nashua were fatal this month.
    Suspected opioid ODs in Nashua continued their recent decline from recent months. In February, the monthly suspected opioid OD total was down 32% compared to the last 12-month period monthly average.

    2024 February Manchester

      • Suspected opioid ODs – 36
      • Suspected fatal opioid ODs – 1
      • 3% of the suspected opioid ODs in Manchester were fatal this month.
    Suspected opioid ODs in Manchester also continued their decline from recent months. In February, the monthly suspected opioid OD total was down 31% compared to the last 12-month period monthly average.In NH, anyone can seek substance use disorder treatment by accessing the NH Doorway program 24/7. To access the NH Doorway program, call 2-1-1 at any time of the day or night, or visit www.thedoorway.nh.gov. If you believe someone is overdosing call 9-1-1 immediately.To help prevent death, it is critical that people who use illicit drugs do not use them alone and have Narcan readily available. Narcan is available throughout New Hampshire at most pharmacies. It is available free of charge from local public health departments & any NH Doorway location. It is completely safe and easy to administer. Narcan is now available over the counter, meaning it is available without a prescription.As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Feel free to share this information with anyone you feel it may be helpful to.

    By the Numbers

    Data Charts for February for both Nashua and Manchester are below.