Letters: How Corrupt is This?

    O P I N I O N


    To the Editor:

    In 2023, HB 44 was a defeated bill that threatened to turned certain single-family-zoned neighborhoods into rental nightmares.

    However, this year comes an even worse bill, HB 1291, to be heard by a House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing on February 16.

    What is the reason this bill is not being heard by the normal House Municipal Committee? Doesn’t it seem suspicious that somehow, this newly created House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing’s 10 members include 7 of the 8 sponsors of HB 1291? Would we be wrong to think that 7 of the 10 members are already necessarily biased?

    There is NO way this bill will get a fair hearing. This kind of manipulation (forming special taxpayer-funded lobbying groups and committees) is typical of Sununu and his developer cronies after they fail to pass unsavory bills the normal way.

    Please help us stop the the eradication of NHs SF-zoned neighborhoods. It’s not only an attack on the middle class but an attack on the family.

    Voters should contact the committee before 2/16 using the House portal expressing OPPOSITION to this bill. If the date of the hearing has passed, email the full committee.

    Jane Aitken, Bedford
    Coalition of NH Taxpayers