Super Bowl and Punxsutawney Phil: It’s all fun and games until someone gets fed


    Govs. Charlie Baker, Maggie Hassan and John Inslee.
    Govs. Charlie Baker, Maggie Hassan and Jay Inslee.

    MANCHESTER, NH – Running a state is serious business. But sometimes a governor’s gotta do what a governor’s gotta do.

    In this case, New Hampshire has won big following a friendly wager between our Gov. Maggie Hassan and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, who bet Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee that our Patriots would prevail over his Seahawks on the gridiron during Super Bowl 2015.

    Of course, everyone knows who won!

    NH Food Bank
    NH Food Bank

    So Inslee will be settling up in a big way by donating 1,000 consolation cups of Ivar’s clam chowder to emergency food system providers in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

    Gov. Hassan will be at the NH Food Bank on Feb. 27 to “intercept” Inslee’s generous “pass” of 500 cups of chowder, New Hampshire’s share of the spoils on what will now be known as Soup-er Bowl Friday.

    And to prove New England fans are also the most generous, Govs. Baker and Hassan will reciprocate by making a “good sport” donation of Boston cream cupcakes and North Country bacon to a Washington state food pantry for those in need.

    Fun and games aside, supporting those who are up against tough times is serious business across the country, including here in New Hampshire. According to recent state statistics, there are 1 in 9 men, women and children in NH who are “food insecure,” meaning they don’t know when or where their next meal will come from.  It is estimated that 44,440 children live in insecure environments.

    Merrimack PD via Facebook.
    Merrimack PD via Facebook.

    Speaking of interstate fun, in addition to the big Super Bowl chowder bowl coups of 2015 Gov. Hassan earlier this week served Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf with an extradition request for Punxsutawney Phil, after the Merrimack police department put out an arrest warrant for Phil about a week after Groundhog Day, via Facebook.

    On behalf of Merrimack’s citizens – and all of New Hampshire – someone, or something, has to be held responsible for the constant assault of snow on our state. Why not the groundhog?

    We know we are a day early, however we here at Merrimack Police felt compelled to let the public know that there is a warrant for Punxsutawney Phil! We have received several complaints from the public that this little varmint is held up in a hole, warm and toasty. He told several people that Winter would last 6 more weeks, however he failed to disclose that it would consist of mountains of snow! If you see him, do not approach him as he is armed and dangerous. Call Merrimack Police, we will certainly take him into custody!

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