The Heat is On 

    O P I N I O N

    The Heat is On 

    I was listening to the radio the other day and the song, “The Heat is On” by Glenn Frey came on. Aside from really liking the song – and being instantly transported to a time when my biggest concern was looking cool in my parachute pants as I strutted down the street – I thought about how hot it has been. 

    It seems that this past spring up to maybe a few weeks ago, it was cooler than usual (remember the late frost that killed all the crops?) then we got the never-ending wet season, which we are still in the midst of. It was during this “wet season” that the temps – and the humidity – crept up and are now high and often – at least to me – uncomfortable. (I think about having to turn on the AC because – even though it is only 72 degrees, the humidity is oppressive). And from the looks of it, although the temps are forecasted to be in the low to mid 80s, the humidity seems like it’ll stick around. But what else would we expect from a southern  New Hampshire summer? 

    What shall we do? Let’s look at some cool ways, (pun intended), to cool off!

    Let’s Eat Some Ice Cream!

    Ice cream is good…maybe a little too good, (one of the reasons I no longer fit in the aforementioned parachute pants…but I digress). I LOVE local, because simply stated local is the best. I often define local as anything New England and hyperlocal as Manchester. I have listed a few places to grab some frozen goodness below:

    1. The Puritan takeout and ice cream, (245 Hooksett Road in Manchester). A favorite hyperlocal, well-known for the chicken tenders, but the homemade ice cream is awesome too! And if you want, you can take a short walk over to Livingston Park and enjoy the frozen goodies by Dorrs Pond. 
    2. Goldenrod (1681 Candia Road in Manchester). Another awesome hyperlocal where in addition to ice cream you can get food..but I’ll take the ice cream! Eat at your car, in the dining room, or take a 5 minute drive and enjoy your frozen wonder in front of Lake Massabesic. 
    3. Cremeland (250 Valley Street in Manchester). This classic seasonal drive-in restaurant serves up the atmosphere as well as the ice cream. 
    4. One place that we absolutely love is not in Manchester, but we wish there were a location here! Stillwells Riverwalk Ice Cream at 190 Water Street in Downtown Exeter is simply awesome!   
    5. Another place that is not hyperlocal but based in neighboring Vermont with a location in Manchester is the ever-popular Ben & Jerry’s at 940 Elm Street here in Manchester. Enjoy some ice cream inside the scoop shop, outside at tables set-up on the sidewalk, or while exploring everything that is Downtown!     
    6. And of course, although not in any way local to us but still awesome, is Dairy Queen (aka DQ) at 715 Second Street in Manchester. I have been to the one in the mall, but like the second street location – the original Manchester DQ – much more).    

    Let’s Find a Place to Cool Down 

    There are also several options if one is looking to simply cool down inside a building. On warm days, especially those with air quality alerts, these places are great to just sit and cool off:

    1. Manchester City Library (405 Pine Street, Manchester). A great place to browse books, read, use a computer, and most importantly on hot days, to cool off! The West Branch at 76 North Main Street on the West Side is also a great place to escape the heat. 
    2. The William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center is located at 151 Douglas Street in Manchester, (connected to the Manchester Library West Branch). A great place for seniors to connect, participate in various activities, and stay cool!
    3. The Twelve, (aka 1269 Cafe’), located at 456 Union Street in Manchester is focused on homeless individuals as well as those in need and among its many incredible programs, often opens as a cooling station.

    Some other places to cool down are The Mall of New Hampshire, (1500 S. Willow St., Manchester), and the former Hallsville Elementary School at 275 Jewett Street in Manchester. (More information about Hallsville School can be found by calling the school district offices at (603) 624-6300). 

    Pools, Splash Pads, and Lake                                                                                                                                          

    Manchester also has a good variety of places where one can cool off while staying outside. Manchester Parks and Recreation, Aquatic Division, manages 3 pools, 2 splash pads, and 1 lake:

    • Hunt Memorial Pool, 297 Maple Street
    • Livingston Pool, 410 Hooksett Road 
    • Raco-Theodore Pool, 66 Head Street  
    • Dupont Splash Pad, 207 Mason Street 
    • Sheehan Basquil Splash Pad, 297 Maple Street 
    • Crystal Lake, 679 Bodwell Road  

    And of course, we have the ice cream trucks that ride through the neighborhoods as well as the ice cream novelties at our neighborhood markets and the backyard pools, (kiddie and large). 

    Let’s Stay Cool and Hydrated – and Wear Sunscreen!

    There are many ways for us to stay cool during the warm weather, so let’s enjoy the summer weather and remember to keep our bodies at a reasonable temperature, wear appropriate sunscreen, and stay hydrated!

    Enjoy your summer!

    As always, your comments are welcomed! Got a great place to get ice cream or to stay cool? Let me know by sending an email to