Warren is fighting for the America we deserve!

    In just a few days, Granite Staters will head to the polls to nominate a Presidential Candidate. As an educator, union member, and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I am proud to support a candidate with plans to fight for the issues I care about and improve the lives of all Granite Staters – Elizabeth Warren.

    As a 17-year veteran public high school social studies teacher, I know that the most important way to invest in our country is to invest in our public schools and our students. As a former public educator herself, Elizabeth knows this too – and it’s why she has plans to invest in education at every stage of development. With plans for universal child care and early education, investing in public education K-12; an investment that is far more important in a state like New Hampshire, where we have chronically underfunded our schools and failed to make this all-important investment. Beyond preK-12 education, Warren is also seeking to provide universal access to two-year, four-year, and technical public higher education for every student in America so we can invest in an entire generation of students and in the future of our economy. Furthermore, she has already figured out how to pay for this without further burdening those who have suffered under the Trump tax scam, with her 2 cent wealth tax on those ultra-rich who reaped the benefits of the Trump tax cuts.

    As a union member and President of my local union, an officer of the AFT state federation and NH AFL-CIO, I know those who are working hard to build this great country need an ally in the White House that will relentlessly advocate and fight for us. Elizabeth’s comprehensive plans for workers – the most progressive agenda for working rights since the New Deal – demonstrates that she is that champion. Her plan will ensure that every public employee has the right to organize and collectively bargain by enacting the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act – critically important for teachers like me who are often overworked and underpaid and continually targeted by so-called “Right -to-Work” bills. No one is better prepared to fight for unions and the working folks of this country than Warren, and she has proven that by supporting her campaign staff when they unionized with IBEW 2320.

    As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, an activist, and Chair of the New Hampshire Stonewall Democrats, I am proud to support a long-serving ally who doesn’t just say that she’s an ally for our community, but has direct plans to address our needs. Elizabeth is an original co-sponsor of the Equality Act, which would finally protect LGBTQ+ individuals at the federal level from employment, housing, and educational discrimination. In addition, she has released numerous plans to take executive action and fight LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace, dramatically cut prices of life-saving drugs like PrEP, and more. We need a president who will fight alongside us, not against us. A president that lifts us up, not targets and demeans us.

    As a delegate to the Democratic National Convention for Hillary Clinton in 2016, I can attest, as I stand alongside former 2016 Bernie supporters, independents, and disaffected Republicans, that Elizabeth is the unity candidate. She has brought together a coalition across the political spectrum to fight back to restore and protect our democracy. Elizabeth’s commitment to detailed plans, listening and responding directly to communities’ needs, and fighting for everyday working people makes her the best nominee to take on Trump this November – and the President we need to get our nation working for everyone. In a primary when some are willing to settle for “good enough,” Elizabeth is fighting for the America we all deserve, the America I want to fight for, the America I want to live in. I’m proud to support Elizabeth Warren, and on Feb. 11th I’ll be proud to vote for Elizabeth Warren, too.