Why I’m running for state rep

    O P I N I O N


    Stand up. Speak up. It’s your turn.

    My name is Brian Chicoine and I am running for State Representative in Hillsborough District 18. (The district covers Manchester Ward 11, which includes about a third of the West Side).

    I love New Hampshire and believe that it can once again thrive using the same free-market principles that have led to its success to this point. I believe that we can overcome any challenge because of our ingenuity, our toughness, our resourcefulness, and our independence. These things give us the ability to get through things and come out better. 

    My growing concern over the unintended consequences as well as the aftermath of the current mass shutdowns has strengthened my commitment to this race. It is vitally important that our recovery is handled thoughtfully and with the best interest of the citizens of New Hampshire in mind.

    I believe that, now more than ever, we need to elect people to the General Court who will work with various stakeholders to rebuild our economy while minimizing any negative impact to the people of our great state. Our elected officials also need to keep our government transparent and accountable. As your state rep, these would be my top priorities.

    Over the past two years, the General Court has passed bills that either would have added financial burdens, increased needless regulations, or that would have limited or taken away our personal liberties. Thankfully, Governor Sununu successfully vetoed these bad bills.

    I am concerned that during the recovery from the unprecedented mass shutdowns, members of the General Court will push even harder to pass burdensome and anti-liberty laws and regulations in the name of recovery. We cannot allow the burden of our recovery to be placed on the backs of the citizens of our great state.

    I love New Hampshire too much to allow it to become an anti-liberty state that has burdensome laws and regulations so I will fight against any attempts to make it that way. I will also work to pass bills that will reduce or eliminate burdensome regulations and will work to pass legislation that will increase the quality of life for all granite staters, increase our freedom, and that will help make New Hampshire an even better place to live, work, run a business, and raise a family.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at brian4nh@outlook.com.

    Beg to differ? Agree to disagree? Have something to say? Say it here. We welcome all points of view. Send submissions to carolrobidoux@manchesterinklink.com, subject line: The Soapbox.