AMR adds an additional non-opioid pain medication on all Manchester ambulances

    MANCHESTER, NH — American Medical Response (AMR) paramedics in Manchester now have an additional, non-opioid, option to safely and effectively manage pain for some types of patients in their care.

    The NH Bureau of EMS Medical Control Board added the option for all NH advanced life support service ambulance services to begin carrying Ketamine in early 2018 at the discretion of their individual service Medical Director. The State Medical Control Board developed and issued specific Ketamine administration protocols for all NH paramedics.

    Ketamine is not an opioid and is now an additional choice for pre-hospital analgesic treatment regimens in certain cases. It has also been shown to be just as effective (in the short term) as morphine for pain management in the emergency setting for multiple reasons:

    • Used for pain management and sedation
    • Does not cause respiratory depression
    • Can be used to sedate patients in excited/agitated delirium
    • Safe alternative to opioids

    “Having Ketamine as an additional option for our medics allows them to expand their options for safe and effective pain control for our patients. In the midst of the opioid epidemic we are continually looking for ways to utilize less addictive clinically effective alternatives for pain management”, said Chris Stawasz, AMR Regional Director.